Print Fundraising hosts all of our curriculum in Google Drive to make it easily accessible to you, and easy for us to update. Our curriculum is divided into 3 sections and can be found in the “Curriculum Folder” located within your Google Drive “Shared With Me” Folder. Within the folder you can select a section, then sub-section, then a topic, which includes an education article, PowerPoint, video, & quiz. You can also easily navigate all of the same resources through our “Curriculum Navigation Spreadsheet,” which includes links to every topic and corresponding education materials.
Section 1 is Print Fundraising’s Guide to Starting, Managing & Marketing a School-Based Enterprise (SBE) Decoration Business. The content focuses specifically on how to run a successful decoration business through a school. Section 1 includes both short and long term strategies and team roles and responsibilities for running a decoration SBE.
Section 2 is our Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting, Managing, & Marketing a New Business. Becoming an entrepreneur can be a difficult process, but Print Fundraising’s aim is to provide students with all the knowledge they will need to be successful in their ventures. We have already had great success working with a local student who really took our program to heart. He has created a printing business for himself and has already acquired several clients. We hope our entrepreneurship guide will help you to mold the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Section 3 is Print Fundraising’s Guide to Starting, Managing, & Marketing, a Decoration Business. These articles will help you and your students learn how to successfully print apparel, and other products, using a heat press. Also, how to best sell your products and services. We feel that the better that we can educate advisors and students on how the decoration industry works, the more easily they will be able to develop a strategy that works well for them.
Print Fundraising asks that advisors provide any feedback that you can to help us make our curriculum as strong as it can be. Our goal is to education advisors and students the best we can on how to run a successful decoration business, and we truly value your input that helps us to do so.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our education center or curriculum please do not hesitate contacting us.