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How to Change the Blade on the Roland GS-24 Cutter

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When using the Roland GS-24 vinyl cutter, you will need to change out blades from time to time, as they dull with repeated use.  You might also want to use a blade with a different angle depending on the material you are cutting.  To change out a blade, simply unscrew the front knob of the blade holder and remove it from the cutter. The blade is held inside the blade holder by a magnet.  Push down on the end where there is a small round piece of metal sticking out.  This will push the blade down, allowing you to remove it safely.  Once the blade has been removed, you can easily insert the new blade.

After the new blade has been installed, it is important to make sure the blade depth (the amount of blade exposed from the blade holder) is set to 2 millimeters.  2mm is essentially the thickness of two credit cards being pressed together.  The blade depth can easily be increased or decreased by spinning the top knob clockwise or counterclockwise.  Once the blade depth has been set, the blade holder can be loaded back into the machine and is ready for cutting.  

It is a good idea to do a test cut with the new blade to make sure that the blade and amount of force are right for the material being cut.  Please always be careful when handling the cutter’s blades, as they are VERY sharp and will cut you.

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