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Spot Process

Our Spot Process Transfers are a hybrid of our opaque hot peel and full color dark transfers in which 2-4 colors are combined to create a range of colors and shades. Spot Process Printing is most commonly demanded by high end suppliers who want exact print colors to be used while also having the ability to blend and dissolve colors.

The most common spot process color combinations revolve around rainbow or shading effects such as : Red, White, and Blue, and Black & White, and Neon / Fluorescent: Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta. Our Spot Process transfers allow us to achieve color effects that full color transfers simply cannot. Our Spot Process transfers can be printed using either our Opaque Hot Peel, Universal Foolproof, or Low Temperature ink, which would allow the ink to be either applied at 375*, 335* or 280* respectively.

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